The Labyrinth at Los Abrigados
Sedona, Arizona
This unique labyrinth was created for the public and guests...
... who visit the Los Abrigados Resort and Spa in Sedona. It was designed by Free Soul President and Founder, Pete A. Sanders, Jr., to be utilized for reflective contemplation, stress reduction, renewal and reinspiration. For more information about this labyrinth you can visit the labyrinth’s Webpage by CLICKING HERE. The Webpage also provides extensive directions for getting to the resort.
Once at the resort, “Go past the (entry) hut; just tell guard you are there for the Labyrinth. Then, turn left at the fountain. Look on the left for the walkway between the tennis courts and the basketball courts; that is the entrance to the Labyrinth. Park in the back parking area near miniature golf.”
This is a Web-page affiliated with the Well-Fed Spirit Website. While the content contained on this page is intended to provide positive, complimentary & helpful information reviewing the Los Abrigados labyrinth, this page is not formally affiliated with that labyrinth.