The Labyrinth at St. John's Episcopal Church
Lafayette, Indiana
Located in Lafayette, Indiana...
... in the St. John's Episcopal Church's Memorial Garden, this small but beautiful paver stone labyrinth is nestled into a lovely courtyard just off Ferry Street.
Parking on the street, you can enter into the cloistered quiet of the garden through a lovely craftsman style portico. The labyrinth will be right in front of you, surrounded by a low boxwood hedge.
The garden is open to the public and easily accessible for walking most days of the week. The quiet nature of this courtyard offers ample ambiance for contemplation, quiet and prayer.
The labyrinth is small, but very walkable. You will, however, want to move slowly, with some measure of mindfulness. The color variation between lines and path are subtle. Perhaps, this labyrinth offers one a great opportunity to play with metaphors of discernment when “life’s pathway” is not always obvious.
This is a Web-page affiliated with the Well-Fed Spirit Website. While the content contained on this page is intended to provide positive, complimentary & helpful information reviewing the labyrinth at St. John's Church, this page is not formally affiliated with that organization.
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